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William S. Long Architect (WSLA) was created in 1991 after the principal, William Long, graduated from The Los Angeles Architectural Design School SCI-ARC. Before attending SCI-ARC Long had graduated from University of Colorado Boulder with a Bachelor of Environmental Design. At that period the program was ahead of its time, environmental awareness has since developed into a global priority, and WSLA is taking its place in the conversation of how we will build to create a better future.


WSLA's first commission was for the design of a home to be built in Mount Washington, close to Downtown Los Angeles. That home was never built but the initial project set in motion the development of a framework for the firm to grow. As the firm developed over the next 10 years a focus emerged aimed at achieving the highest quality residential design with an emphasis on well sourced materials, using local craftsman to achieve great architectural design value for its clients. Los Angeles is an architectural sampling of the diversity of architectural styles, expressing the needs and tastes of the local clientele. This wide range of styles from California Bungalow, Craftsman, and English Tudor, to Modernism, offered tremendous exposure to design styles for which the firm's expertise would develop a mastery for. Where some firms focus on one "Style" of Residential Architecture, WSLA was developing a sophistication for all the design styles that its clients were interested in for their personal homes.


This flexibility of architectural design created a deep understanding of the differences and the similarities of the variety of homes the firm worked on, and helped to frame ideas for what makes a great home no matter what the style of architecture. Drawing from the best ideas each project had to offer the firm works to infuse every home it touches with a sense of connection that a great home can offer. 


WSLA eventually was asked to build the homes it was designing and started a sister company Formworx Design + Build, Inc. This allowed for the start of further exploration into the making aspect of homes and allowed for improvements over time in craftsmanship and interiors. 


WSLA continues to develop its expertise in fine home design and in the management of that process from the start of developing new ideas up to and past when the owners occupy the home. WSLA is interested in creating a depth of  life experience by the most efficient means possible to maximize the owners' quality of life. Living in great architecture can be transformative at an unconscious level as it works to affect your perceptions of beauty, harmony, connection and being. This is what our continued passion is aimed at, its this art form that can make great change happen.

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